Top 30 HTML Interview Questions and Answers 2024

Get latest and top most html interview questions that have been asked in interview by freshers and experienced professionals or candidates. We have collected a list of top 30+ most common html interview questions with answers also freshers or beginner . See below list of some sample html interview questions, if you are looking for answers then visit us at Best Interview Questions

HTML Interview Questions

List of Html Interview Questions and Answers

What is HTML and why it is used for?
What is full form of HTML and who is created this?
What is the meaning of <!DOCTYPE>?
What is heading tag and why it is used for?
Explain the Advantages and disadvantages of HTML?
What is the latest version of HTML?
What is <form> tag and why it is used?
How many types of list tag are using in HTML?
What is <table> tag and
why it is used for?
o all HTML tags have an end tag?
What is formatt
ing in HTML? Explain some formatting tags?
What is semantic HTML?
How to create links in HTML?
How to create nested web page in HTML?
What is HTML tag attributes?
What is <img> tag?
Please explain empty elements in HTML?
What is the use of <span> tag?
What is the difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5?
What is reset and submit buttons?
What is the difference between <header> and <footer> tag?
What are new input form validations in HTML5?
How to create mail and phone link in HTML?
Explain Basic structure of html5?
What are meta tags in HTML?
What is SVG?
How to add a copyright symbol on your web page?
What is marquee?
How to tags migrated from HTML4 to HTML5?
How to insert a comment in an HTML page?
What are the different new form element types in HTML 5?
Explain the advantage of collapsing white space?
What is an image map?